Eye Exams

Eye Exams are an important part of your personal health maintenance program as well as that of your family. Exams are intended to ensure that your vision is clear and comfortable.

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Children’s Eye Exam: Schedule an exam for your child whenever you suspect a problem, no matter how young the child. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends that you take your child to an eye doctor for his or her first exam at six months of age.

The next exam, if no problems are detected in the first one, should be at age 3, and then every two years once a child begins school, according to the AOA.

However, if your child is a Contact Lens wearer, or his or her eyeglasses prescription is changing frequently, then you should take him or her to see the eye doctor more frequently, at least annually.

Specific Tests or Exams that may be included during your Exam include:

  • Color Blind Test: may be qualitative (i.e., can you see color and if not, which ones are you able to see?) or quantitative (i.e., how severe is your Color Deficiency?). Thus, the quantitative tests try to provide a measure of the severity of Color Deficiency.
  • Contact Lens Exam: A separate portion of the Exam in which your eye doctor has you insert trial Contact Lenses. Your visual acuity will then be assessed as well as the fitting of the lenses on your corneas.
  • Contrast Sensitivity Test: This test takes into account the effect of varying contrasts on vision. Because in the real world, objects and their surroundings are of varying contrast, measuring visual acuity as it relates to varying contrast levels allows a more detailed understanding of your real world visual perception and how that perception can change with time.
  • Eye Test Chart: consists of a number of high contrast, black-on-white letters, numbers, or figures of progressively smaller size. The smallest size that you can read denotes your visual acuity.
  • Eye Refraction Exam: This test is used to determine your spectacle prescription. A special instrument called a Phoropter is used to provide you choices of what lenses make your vision clearer.
  • Visual Field Test: used to test the sensitivity of your Peripheral Vision.
  • Wavefront Technology: What you need to know is what it measures. A special instrument that measures the distortion of a light wave as it is altered by passing through the optics of the eye.
  • Your eye doctor will choose the best tests for your needs. Choosing an eye doctor can be successfully done by researching referrals.

    An Optometrist can take care of all of your primary eye care needs. If you need a specialist, then the Optometrist may refer to another Optometrist specializing in that area or to a surgeon, or Ophthalmologist.

    Even if you do not have any visual problems and you are healthy, routine eye care is important. Why do you need an Eye Exam? First, there are multiple Eye Problems that may not give you any symptoms but can be vision-threatening and only an Exam can discover them. Regardless, getting a routine Eye Exam periodically is important because it is part of the preventative maintenance you should be doing on yourself just like routine dental and medical exams.

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