Computer Eye Strain:Are You One of the Millions of Americans who Suffer

Are you one of the millions of Americans who suffer from computer eye strain? If so, you’ll be happy to know that several remedies are within your grasp.

Computer eye strain is one of the most common symptoms of computer vision syndrome. So, naturally it’s gotten plenty of attention. So much so that many eye doctors are now becoming specialists in treating computer vision.

If you believe you suffer from computer eyestrain, make sure you have an annual computer eye exam.

Symptoms of computer eyestrain include:

  • headaches
  • blurred vision
  • dry eyes
  • Computer glasses

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    One of the most successful remedies in relieving computer eye strain is computer glasses. A variety of lenses are available. Single vision lenses are designed to give the best vision between 20” and 28”, the optimum distance between the computer user and the screen.

    These lenses can be made in different prescriptions or no prescription. The composition of the lens makes it easy for your eyes to focus and provides a larger field of view than regular eyeglasses would.

    The larger field of vision eliminates the need to tilt your head to accommodate the best zone in bifocals or progressive lenses. This feature reduces or eliminates the neck, shoulder and back pain caused by unnatural positioning.

    Occupational progressive lenses and lined trifocals are computer versions of the progressive and trifocal lenses that have a larger intermediate zone, but smaller distance zone. The occupational bifocal simply has the intermediate and reading zones.

    None of these types are recommended for driving because of their reduced, or absent, distance zone. These are recommended for people with presbyopia, a condition that affects the natural lens in people over the age of 40.

    In case you were wondering, yes, the computer lenses DO come in clip-ons for regular glasses.


    Computer eyestrain can come from too much lighting, as found in most offices and classrooms. You have several options to choose from when you order computer glasses.

    One of these is anti-reflective coating. This reduces the glare and reflections from your lenses, taking a significant amount of strain off of your eyes.

    Either an ultraviolet absorbing coating or an amber tint helps protect your eyes from the blue light emitted from fluorescent lighting. Blue light makes it more difficult to focus.


    Setting your monitor to a safe distance, reducing glare, dimming lights, good posture that allows your eyes to be level with the screen and taking periodic breaks from viewing the monitor all help reduce computer eye strain.

    Other computer ergonomics can help reduce other symptoms of computer vision syndrome, but those listed here target eyestrain specifically.

    In addition to anti-reflective lens coating you might benefit from adding an anti-glare screen on your monitor. Position your monitor so that it doesn’t reflect windows, lamps or other lights.

    Older CRT displays are more difficult to focus on due to the flicker and refresh rates less than 75 hertz. Newer LCD screens cause less eyestrain. Use a higher contrast, and set the text to a size large enough to avoid strain.

    Medical Care

    If focusing or coordinating your eyes contributes to your eyestrain, there are therapeutic treatments that can improve your muscle strength and coordination. See your eye doctor for an complete evaluation and his recommendations. Such treatment should only be done under a doctor’s supervision.

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